Unit 12

Unit 12

Lesson A

Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns:
Use a/an or plural –s.
I have an egg for breakfast every day
I don’t eat bananas.
How many eggs do you eat a week?
I eat a lot of eggs.
I don’t eat many (eggs).
I don’t eat a lot of eggs.

Examples: vegetables, potatoes.

Uncountable nouns:
Don’t use a/an or plural –s.
I drink milk every morning.
I don’t eat seafood.
How much milk do you drink a day?
I drink a lot of milk.
I don’t drink much (milk).
I don’t drink a lot of milk.

Examples: cheese, meat, fish.

Lesson B

What’s for dinner?

Building language
Kathy        What do you want for dinner tonight?
Dan           I don’t know. Would you like to go out?
 Kathy       No, we eat all the time. I’d like to stay home tonight.
Dan           Ok. Um…I think I’d like some chicken. Do we have any in the freezer?
Kathy         Um…no, we need to get some. And we don’t have any vegetables, either.
Dan             So. I guess we have to go to the grocery store.
Kathy          Hmm. I have another idea. Let’s just go out for dinner.

Grammar: Would like; some and any.

Would you like to go out?
No. I’d like to stay home.

What would you like?
I’d like some chicken.

Would you like some tea?
Yes, please. / No, thanks.

Do we have any chicken?
Yes, we have some (chicken).
No, we don’t have any (chicken).

Do we have any vegetables?
Yes, we have some (vegetables).
No, we don’t have any (vegetables).

Lesson c
Great place to eat

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