Unit 2

Unit 2

Grammar Verb froms

To+ verb
Verb +- ing
Preposition + verb + -ing
  I can play the piano
I love to swin
I love swimming
I’m good at drawing people
  I can’t play very      well
I like to play pool
I like playing pool
I’m not interested in skiing
  I can’t sing at all
I hate to work out
I hate working out

I prefer to watch
I prefer watching TV

Example :

Can you whistle?
Do you enjoy cooking?
Are you good at skating?
Do you like playing board games?
Can you swim?

Lesson B
Speaking naturally Saying list

Jim What kinds of music do you like?
Sam    I like classical, and hip-hop, and jazz.           Sylvia    I like pop, and rock, and folk.

Grammar Object pronouns; every, no body

I’m a singer. That’s me on the CD.
You’re a musician? I’d to hear you.
She’s pretty good. I like her.
He’s not a good singer. I don’t like him.
 It’s a nice song. I like it.
We play in a band. Come listen to us.
 They’re local guys. Do you like them?

Every body
No one
1.       A.- I listen to hip-hop a lot. Do you listen to it, too?
B.- yes. Everybody in my school listens to hip-hop.
2.       A.- I don’t really like classical music. Do you know him?
B.- Yes. But with earphones – nobody in my family likes it.

Lesson C

I really like making things.

Conversation strategy  Saying no in a friendly way
                                                                                    Matt    What are you knitting, Sarah?
Sarah   A sweater. It’s for my brother.
Matt     Nice. Do you make a lot of things?
Sarah   Yeah. I really enjoy knitting. I guess
             It’s my main hobby. Do you have

            Any hobbies?
Matt     Um, no. I don’t really have much
            Time for hobbies. But I like to
            Take photos. Do you do any
Sarah   No, not really, um . . . I’m not really
          Into photography. I prefer knitting.
            Sewing,… I really like making
            Things. But I’s love to see your
                                                                                                                      Pictures sometime.
                                                                                Matt    Oh. Well. I have some on any
                                                                                         Computer. Stop by my desk after
                                                                                        Lunch, and I can show them to you. 

NOTICE how Sarah and Matt say more than just no when they answers questions. They want to be friendly or polite, so they say more. Find examples in the conversation.


Are you interested in sports?
No. not really but I prefer listen to music.

Do you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles?
Yes. I really like jigsaw puzzles.
Are you good at doing crossword puzzles?
No. Not really. I prefer jigsaw puzzles.

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