Unit 11

Unit 11


Use of was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

    A.- Was Jeff's teacher strict?
    B.- Yes, she was very strict.

    A.- Was Rosa's boss happy about her mistakes?
    B.- No, he wasn't too pleased.

    A.- Were Rosa's customers nice?
    B.- Yes, they were nice because roas was news.

    A.- Were Jeff and his classmates noisy?
    B.- No, they weren't noisy.

Simple past of be 

I was only 16.
You were nervous.
She was strict.
It was awful.
We were quiet.
They were scared

In conversation was is one the top 20 words


Simple past information questions

How was your vacation?             It was fun.
Where were you exactly?           In Hawaii.
How long were you there?          A week.
What was the weather like?       It was hot.
Who did you go with?                  A couple of friends.
When did you get back?              Last night.


How was your last vacation?        It was great.
Where did you go?                 I went to England.
How long were you there?             Two weeks.


Add a question to continue a conversation.

How about you?
And you?


    A.- How was your weekend?
    B.- Good, thanks. I went to a wedding. How about you?

    A.- What did you do on Sunday?
    B.- I watched TV. And you?

Strategy  plus   Anyway

You can use Anyway
to change the topic of
a conversation.

“Anyway, what did you do?”

You can also use
Anyway to end
a conversation.

“The party was good well,
anyway,….. I have to go.”

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