Unit 1

Unit 1

Lesson A
Getting to know you

Speaking naturally Stress and intonation

Do you have a nick name?    Are you from a big family?   What do you do for fun?
Yes. People call me Jimmy?    Yes. I have four sisters.         I go to the movies.

Simple present and present of be.

Are you from a big family?

Yes. I am. I’m one of six children.
No. I’m not. There are only two of us.

Are you and your friends full-time students?

Yes.  We are. We’re English majors.
No. we’re not. We’re part-time students.
Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Yes. I do. I have a brother.
 No. I don’t. I’m an only child.

Do you and your friends get together a lot?

Yes, we do. We go out all time.
No, we don’t. We don’t have time.
What’s your name? Is it Leo?

Yes. It is. My name’s is Leo Green.
No. It’s not. My name isn’t Leo. It’s Joe.

Where are your parents from? Are they from Peru?

Yes. They are. They’re from Lima.
No. They’re not. My parents aren’t from Peru.

What does your brother do? Does he go to college?

Yes. He does. He goes to the same college as me.
No. he doesn’t. He works at a bank.

Where do your parents live? Do they live nearby?

Yes. They do. They live near here.
No. They don’t. They don’t live around here.


What’s your favorite color?

Do you have any brothers?
No, I’m not. I have one sister.

Do you have any pets?
No. I have not pet.

Lesson B

Things in common
Grammar Responses with too and either

I’m allergic to cats.
I am too.

I’m not an animal lover.
I’m not either.

I watch pro football.
I do too.

I don’t watch much television.
I don’t either.

I can shop for hours!
I can too.

I can’t afford anything new.
I can’t either.


I can’t stand sport.
I often listen to music.
I love to wear blouse.
I don’t like green too much.
Lesson c
Do you come here a lot?

Conversation strategy Starting a conversation.

Eve      Ooh, it’s cold tonight.
Chris   Yeah, it’s but actually, I kind of
             like cold weather.
Eve       You do? Really?. . . Boy, there are
             a lot of people out here tonight.
Chris    Yeah, it gets pretty crowded on
Eve      Do you come here a lot?
Chris    Yeah, I do, actually.
Eve      So are you a big hip-hop fan?
Chris    Yeah, I am. Are you?
Eve      Actually, no, but my brother’s in
            The band tonight.
Chris   Oh, really? Cool . . . By the way,
            My name’s chris.
                                                                                    Eve      Nice to meet you. I’m Eve.

NOTICE how Eve starts a conversation with a stranger. She talks about the things around them, like the weather and the club, and asks general questions. Find examples in the conversation.

Strategy plus actually

I like your jacket.
Yeah. I actually look forward to it.

Do you come here by bus?
No. I walk, actually. It takes an hour.

Is that your newspaper?
Um …. Actually, no, it’s not. God ahead take it.

Lesson D

Making conversation

1.       Have some topics ready to start a conversation. Say something about the weather or the place you’re in. Talk about the weekend – we all have something to say about weekends!
2.       Make the conversation interesting. Know about events in the news. Read restaurant and movie reviews
3.       Be a good listener. Keep eye contact and say “Yes,” “Hmm,” “Uh-huh,” “Right,” and “I know”. It encourages people to talk.
4.       Don’t be boring. Don’t just say, “Yes” or “No” when you answer a question. Give some interesting information, too.
5.       Don’t talk all the time. Ask, “How about you? And show you are interested in the other person, too. People love talk about themselves!

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